I bet many of you are really having to think about this question.

That doesn't suprise me!
At our 'Come and have a Laugh' event, Kerry Leigh from Laugholgy informed us that on average an adult only laughs around 15 times a day. Toddlers on the other hand chuckle their little heads off non stop.

It wasn't a problem for the OneWoman ladies, we found plenty to laugh about!

Do you think you might laugh more if you knew it was good for you?

Well did you know, laughter boosts circulation, releases stress and raises happy hormones which has got to be good for general health and well being. Most importantly though laughter makes you feel good.

Laughter also has commercial benefits. When you feel good you are relaxed and work better. You become more focused, work more effectively and generate better results.

For me play and laughter go hand in hand and I think that's why I enjoy OneWoman events so much. We learn something new in a FUN and playful way. For example our 'Vision Boards' workshop with Jackie O'Carroll. Paper, scissors and glue; the workshop was full of laughs whichhelped our creative ideas flow more easily.

Go on ladies, release your inner child; loosen your inhibitions; have a laugh and feel great !!!